August wrap-up and September TBR

Hello guys! Welcome to September! I can’t believe how fast time passes. A few days ago it was the beginning of our summer holidays and now we are about to start school or some of you have already started… So I decided that I’m going to share with you my August wrap-up and my September TBR! 


First of all, I want you to know that I am a very very very slow reader and I usually read four books a month. I know that it’s an average amount but many people read like ten books a month so, don’t expect me to be one of those people! This month I read 3 books and it’s kind of bad because it’s summer and last month I read 6 books so I really hope to read more in September.

  • The first book that I read was The Volcano of Fire by Geronimo Stilton.  Yes, I’ve read a middle-grade book and I’m proud of it because it got me out of a huge reading slump. On the 31st of July Harry Potter and the Cursed Child was published and I pre-ordered it but I don’t know what happened but it arrived to my home like 10 days later. During those days I refused to read anything but the Cursed Child and when I realised that I should probably read something I found myself in a slump. So I did what I always do when I’m in a book slump and this is to read a middle-grade book. Those books really help me when I am in this situation because they are usually short with lots of pictures and huge font so I feel accomplished because I read more quickly and I really enjoyed this book so it’s done its job!
  • The second book that I read in August was City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare and this book is FANTASTIC! I don’t want to tell you a lot about the plot for just in case that you haven’t read the series yet but this one is the fifth book and the sad thing about it is that I only have one book to read of The Mortal Instruments now:( I buddy-read this book and it was an awesome experience! I can’t believe how fast I read it and I loved to have someone to talk to without being spoiled. This series is getting better and better as the books come by and it has a very special part in my heart.
  • Finally, the last book that I read this month was… CLOCKWORK PRINCESS BY CASSANDRA CLARE! I don’t have words to tell you how much I love this book and this series. It made me laugh, cry… and that is very important because I don’t usually cry while reading books but this one was exceptional. I loved to see how everything ended but I loved this trilogy so much that I want to read more about it! I was a little bit scared because I wanted the ending to be perfect and Cassandra Clare didn’t disappoint me. I heard that Cassandra Clare is the best at ending series and now I  can see why. I love this trilogy so much that I can say that it is my second favourite series of all time.



So, as I didn’t really read as much as I wanted this month I decided to read 4 books in September but I don’t know if 4 books may be a little bit too ambitious because I’ll be starting my senior year at high school and work so this means that I won’t have as much time to read. These are the books that I plan on reading in September:

  • Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: Yes, after one month of restraining myself I’m reading this book! Many of you may think: Anna, but why Processed with VSCO with hb1 presetdid it take you so long to start this book if you wanted to read it so badly? Well, the reason why
    I waited to read it is because I want to start it on September 1st because it’s when the story starts. Oh, I will also be buddy-reading this book so I’m excited for that! My expectations are so high that I think that it’s impossible that I’ll be disappointed. I’ve heard a lot of mixed reviews about this book but I really want to like it and, well, it’s a Harry Potter script and JK Rowling so I already know that it will be perfect.


  • The second book that I want to read is Need You by Estelle Maskame. It is the second book of the Dimly trilogy and if you haven’t read it yet you are really missing out! The first book follows the story of Eden and she is spending the summer at her dad’s house with her step-mother and step-siblings. I don’t want to give much away from this book because it’s better if you start it without knowing a lot about it but I’m just going to say that she won’t be bored during that summer. I read the first book during this summer and I fell in love with. The second one is one of my priorities of this month because it also takes place in summer and now we are in the last month of summer so I should really read it now if I don’t want to wait for another year.


  • The third book that I want to read during this month is City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare. This one is the last book of the Mortal Instruments series and I’m so excited to read it that I can’t really express my feelings. I read City of Lost Souls last month and this book really stepped up the game! I’m in love with Cassandra Clare’s writing and I’m really excited to see how she ends this fantastic series although I’m a bit sad because it ends but as it is huge I won’t finish it as quickly.

by @bookshelvesandpaperbacks


  • The last book that I want to read is Taking the reins ( The Rosewoods) by Katrina Abbott. This book follows Brooklyn’s story, a girl who is starting at a new school which is for famous and reach people where she will meet a lot of new friends and will get to know that style of life. It is a contemporary book and I’m ready to step out of my comfort zone.

Which books will you read during September?