The darkness in the light

Hey! Today I come to you with a kind of different post. I know that I always post bookish posts where I am happy and making jokes but I created this blog to talk about things that I like and express my feelings so I decided to post 2 times every week, one on Monday and another on Thursday, so I can post one post talking about my life and another talking about bookish things.

Today I want to talk to you about something that I’ve been experiencing recently and it is what I call ”The darkness in the light”. And what does this mean, you may ask. Well, this refers to a period of time where you should be thankful and happy for the things that you have but there is some negativity lingering at the corner.

I’ve had amazing opportunities this month, I’ve practically almost got into the university of my dreams and there is a high chance that I’ll get in… I know right, I should be thankful for all of this but there is something (or someone if you want to be exact) that keeps me from feeling at my best.

I know that I’m a huge believer in the Law of Attraction theory and this means that I should focus on the positive aspects of my life but this dark aspect is something that I can’t forget. Maybe I’m imagining all of this, but I feel like all my efforts and sacrifices for other people are worth nothing. I’m not trying to compete with anyone but there’s just something there willing to make me fall down.

Have you ever felt like this?  How have you overcome this feeling?

Don’t worry, I’m sure that the next post will be a more happy one but you get me and my feelings, and those are the ones that make me be myself.

See you this Thursday!