Rapid Fire Book Tag

Hey guys! I came across with this tag the other day while looking through Amino ( it’s an amazing app where you can talk with people about the things that you like and meet new friends) and I came across with this tag. So, as I’ve never done a tag before, here it is my first tag ever!

This tag was created by GirlReading and it’s basically a lot of bookish questions so you can know a bit more about my reading habits and preferences in a quick way ( but as you know me, short answers are not my forté). Here are the questions!

E-Book or Physical Book?

Beautiful covers, amazing smell, the feel of passing the pages, a book that you can display on your bookshelf… yes, I’m pretty sure that physical books have this point. Don’t get me wrong, I also like e-books as you can carry a lot of books without fearing that your book bag will break ( yes, it’s happened to me before) and books are always way cheaper but there’s nothing like holding a book in your hands!

Paperback or Hardback?

I really like hardbacks because they are beautiful but I think that for this question I’ll have to go for paperbacks: I don’t know if I’m the only one but paperbacks are more comfortable to read because when I read a hardback I always have to take off the dust cover and also paperbacks are way cheaper than hardbacks.

Online or In-Store Book Shopping?

I love to go to bookstores but as I live in a small town we don’t have a proper bookstore so I always end up shopping for books online and, like this, I’m always sure that I’ll find the book that I want to read.

Trilogies or Series?

Definitely series! I’m that kind of person that really gets into the book’s world and I always need more! I also like trilogies but I always wish that the story would last longer!

Heroes or Villains?

I think that what makes a good book are the different characters that the author has invented so if a book has a perfect hero but a not well-developed villain, the book is not as good as it should be! When I’ll write a book I’m definitely going to develop a lot of the characters.

A book you want everyone to read?

Harry Potter! I know that many people have read the series but if you haven’t you are really missing out!

Recommend an underrated book?

I don’t really have an answer for this one but I’m going to go for Fablehaven  by Brandon Mull. It’s a middle-grade book ( which is a series) that really changed my life. This book is the reason why I started reading and it will always have a special spot in my heart.

The last book you finished?

Love You by Estelle Maskame and it was A M A Z I N G! Perfect book for summer!

The Last Book You Bought?

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child by J.K Rowling.

Weirdest Thing You’ve Used as a Bookmark?

My Starbucks cup which was full! I almost spilled everything on the book!

Used Books: Yes or No?

YES! If they are in good condition, I’m down for buying a second-hand book. I’ve never bought one though but I wouldn’t care if it was used previously as long as it is in a good condition, and they are usually cheap so gotta get em’ all!

Top Three Favorite Genres?

Fantasy, Contemporary and historical fiction.

Borrow or Buy?

Definitely buy! When I borrow a book from a friend, when I have to give it back I’m always sad because I have to leave it behind and, to be honest, I really like to have the books that I’ve read because they are a part of my personality and life and it’s nice to go back to them and remember certain periods of mu life but, although I’d rather buy my own books, i think that borrowing books is a really nice bonding experience.

Characters or Plot?

I don’t really know what to answer but if I have to choose on of the two I think that I’d rather have a book plot with not so likable characters because at least I enjoy most part of the book: the plot.

Long or Short Books?


Long or Short Chapters?

Short Chapters because when I read a book like this I feel like I’ve read a lot and I feel accomplished. I’m that kind of girl that is always thinking: how long till the next chapter? while she is reading.

Name The First Three Books You Think Of…

Throne of Glass, Harry potter and the Cursed Child, the Kiss of Deception.

Books That Makes You Laugh or Cry?

CLOCKWORK PRINCESS by Cassandra Clare! OMG you guys can’t imagine how much I cried and laughed while reading this book. I’m not really a person that cries while she reads but this book was so amazing that I can’t even make a rational sentence. Book review coming soon!

Our World or Fictional Worlds?

I mean, who wants to stay in our world when you have a fictional world with magic, dragons, magical schools and awesome lands?

Audiobooks: Yes or No?

YES YES YES! Audiobooks really help me when I’m in a reading slump or I just don’t have really a lot of time to read, a.k.a while I’m at high school. I mostly read audiobooks when I want to re-read a book but I love listening to them!

f1b54aaf59187d3327f1842983dec16e.jpgDo You Ever Judge a Book by its Cover?

I feel like everyone wants to say no to this question but in reality… we all judge a book by it’s cover! I try really hard to not do this but well… if a book it’s beautiful it better be mine!
Book to Movie or Book to TV Adaptations?

I haven’t seen a lot of book to TV Adaptations ( just Shadowhunters) so i have to say book to movie adaptations… but i’d rather have a book without it being adapted because i don’t want people to destroy my babies.

Series or Standalones?

Series all the way! I always want to read more and more about a world or a story.

I tag all of you who are reading this blog to do this TAG! Hope that you enjoyed my first blog!

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